Elmo VS Bob The Builder

>Normal day for Elmo
>Elmo be takin bitches virginities and eating fried chicken
>Suddenly, the smell of timber fills the air
>The sound of jackhammers nearly deafens Elmo
>A bright light in the sky
>Bob the Builder crashes to the ground like a meteorite
>Bob the Builder screams 'I must keel u elmer'
>Elmo is infuriated at being called 'elmer'
>Elmo lunges at Bob the Builder and slaps him across the face like a little bitch
>Bob the Builder is sent flying to China
>While Bob the Builder is on the floor crying, Elmo starts punching him in the face with his 20 inch furry cock
>Elmo then gouges out his eyes and eats them
>Blind Bob gets up and can't see
>Accidentally walks off cliff and dies
>Suddenly, Bob grows fairy wings and flies back up
>Elmo pulls out a submachine gun and shoots Bob like 837 times
>It's no use
>Bob pulls out a jackhammer, turns it on and throws the drilling jackhammer at Elmo's dick
>Jackhammer leaves huge hole in Elmo's crotch, his once-cock is now mutilated on the floor
>Blood everywhere
>Bob then picks up a saw and starts cutting open Elmo's stomach
>Elmo's intestines ripped out by Bob's evil hands
>Bob fucks Elmo's bloody crotch hole with his intestines
>Elmo dies from blood loss, dead in a pool of blood and organs
>Bob whispers in his ear 'Don't cause a prob with the Bob'
>Bob walks away, laughing hysterically
>He thought Elmo was dead
>He was wrong
>A strange echoing of Elmo's voice can be heard
>Earthquake occurs
>Bob looks over his shoulder and his horrified
>Elmo has transformed into ELMOXXX
>ELMOXXX pulls out a shotgun and shoots Bob in the legs 20 times
>Bob can no longer move
>ELMOXXX then rips apart Bob's asscheeks, exposing his now-bloodied rectum
>ELMOXXX pulls out his 200-inch cock and impales Bob with it, turning his entire body into a shish kebab on ELMOXXX's cock
>ELMOXXX fucks Bob's entire body and releases toxic cum into Bob's bloodstream
>A now poisoned Bob is writhing around on the floor in agony, dying slowly and painfully
>ELMOXXX then grabs a chainsaw, rips out Bob's liver and feeds it to him
>Bob is screaming a lot and tries to scream for help
>Before he could, ELMOXXX cuts out his jaw with a machete
>Bob dead on the floor
>To finish him off, ELMOXXX shoots him 10000 times with a minigun
>Bob's mutilated body in a pool of blood
>ELMOXXX turns back into Elmo
>Continues fucking bitches and eating fried chicken as usual